Agroni Research Bangladesh

Agroni Research Bangladesh
Agroni UK is an independent multi-disciplinary research organisation with extensive specialist knowledge and experience of working with Britain’s BME communities. Agroni was established in 2000 to provide clients with effective one-stop research solutions for issues concerning the UK’s diverse BME communities. From the beginning, Agroni has also aimed to enhance the capacity and skill base of local ethnic minority communities by creating an opportunity for people to participate in research and community development. Agroni has conducted various research projects on sensitive social, political, economic, health and environmental issues.
After 23 years in the UK, we have decided to share our knowledge and experience in a developing country, and this journey begins with Bangladesh. We have a dedicated research team, and we can deliver national data collection surveys and all research logistics for your needs.
Are you a Ph.D. student or researcher and is your sampling point in Bangladesh? Then don’t look further. Agroni can offer a complete data collection package, field visit arrangements, data analysis, and recommendations. We are members of MRS and AQR and are fully committed to collecting data according to the GDPR and local governments’ terms and conditions through our secure data platform.
Bangladesh is rapidly transforming with a large population that contributes significantly to the country’s economy through remittances. The country is also a major global manufacturing hub for garments and pharmaceuticals.
We are offering the following services
- Qualitative Research
- Quantitative Research
Our approaches
Agroni is equipped to address any and all types of research needs of its clients. We currently offer the following in-house facilities to our clients:
Face to Face (F2F)
Agroni has an extensive interviewer pool across the UK ready to be deployed for any face-to-face research work a client may need. We can assure a quick turnaround of interviews.
Telephone (CATI)
Agroni has set up a system to conduct telephone interviews for swift access to rich data across the UK.
Video (CAVI)
Many talented moderators are employed by Agroni, capable of handling remote video interviews.
Online (CAPI)
Agroni uses a major UK research tool called SmartSurvey to deploy rich online questionnaires all over the country.
The SmartSurvey tool is very intuitive, allowing the deployment of questionnaires to participants directly for a more streamlined research process.
Mixed Methods
Agroni is open to any method of research its clients require, a mixed approach is well within its ballpark.
We do not compromise on quality. High-quality research provides strong, ethical evidence that withstands scrutiny and can guide policymaking. It should adhere to principles of professionalism, transparency, accountability, and audibility in design and data collection.
We always aim for reliability. In research, reliability refers to the extent to which the results of a study can be consistently reproduced under the same conditions.